Майнкрафт мод на падение блоков

BlockPhysics Mod 1.7.10 enables you to set the blocks of Minecraft to fall. The falling blocks collide with each other and the mobs, causing damage and bouncing off. You can set the mass, strength, moving behavior and a few more properties to customize the worlds physics. This mod allows the configuration of movement physics for blocks.

This mod is a curious little mod with drastic implications. It forces you to use sturdy blocks and stable construction for your structures to stay together. As a forewarning it’s strongly suggested to either back up your save or start a new one before loading this mod. You may end up destroying many of your favorite structures otherwise.

It’s definitely a huge challenge to try and build things with this method in Minecraft. You won’t be able to easily construct things in mid-air and you’ll now need to plan every block you place much more carefully. Good luck because if you don’t things may come crashing down quick! And if you have structures already built, you may want to support them before they end up collapsing.


Piston (catapult): To use the piston as a catapult, place a dispenser to the back of the piston to power it.

You have to place redstone dust Into the dispenser to set the power and direction of the shot. The piston will shoot with a random error, to stabilize it and shoot with precision place 4 gold bars in each corner.

Explosions are pushing nearby blocks

Block collision

Mob damage

Sand: Sand will not only fall but slide down.

Gravel: Gravel will not only fall but slide down.

Dirt: Dirt blocks will fall and slide too.

Grass: Grass blocks will only fall, but they turn into dirt.

Farmland: It will only fall, but will turn into dirt.

Cobblestone: Cobblestone will fall unless you build arches with it. If a cobblestone block is in these positions, it will stay firm. If any of the supporting blocks is removed, the cobble will be in an unstable state and when it gets an update it will fall.

Brick: Brick will fall, but you can build with it ceilings and arches.

If a brick block is in these positions, it will stay firm. If any of the supporting blocks is removed, the block will be in an unstable state and when it gets an update it will fall. To build a corbel (console) you have to use bricks for all 3 blocks.

Stone Brick: If a stone brick is in these positions, it will stay firm. If any of the supporting blocks is removed, the block will be in an unstable state and when it gets an update it will fall. To build a corbel (console) you have to use stone bricks for all 3 blocks.

Nether Brick: If a nether brick block is in these positions, it will stay firm. If any of the supporting blocks is removed, the block will be in an unstable state and when it gets an update it will fall.


The is a highly creative and well thought out mod that you’ll definitely love using if you’re someone who frequently constructs structures. The mod completely overhauls that default physics that the game utilizes in most construction related activities so it might take a little bit of getting used to but once you’ve gotten the hang of it you probably won’t want to go back to the usual style because of how refined the new physics feel and how much more engaging they make the construction activities in Minecraft.

The Block Physics mod basically adds a bit more realism to construction in Minecraft. Normally with the vanilla physics players are able to make lots of constructions that would seemingly be impossible. Players are able to create structures that are very high without any actual support from the button and they can also give these structures weird shapes but they still don’t topple over due to the weird center of gravity. However, with this mod applied this will no longer be the case. You’ll have to take account multitudes of different factors when making a structure. Of course the construction will become slightly difficult with this mod but making a structure will feel much more satisfying since you’ll need to put actual thought into it.

Block types will play a pretty major role in construction with this mod applied. Normally you can stack up blocks pretty high without having to worry about placing the appropriate amount of support below them but after you apply this mod, stacking up blocks becomes much riskier. If you stack too many of them then you risk the structure collapsing since the base isn’t strong enough to hold it together. The design of the structure matters a lot as well which is another thing that you’ll need to keep in mind. Telefondan seks videoları pornmani.com ile izle! casadeporn.com Türkçe videolar sevenler için pushporn.com gibi porno izleme siteleri ile aynı videoları barındırır. travestipornolari.co gay ve lezbiyen porno videolarınıda izle!

Before you apply the Block Physics mod we recommend saving and backing up all your progress. This is very important because some of your structures might collapse due to the nature of this minecraft mod . For example, a building that you created earlier might only work with the vanilla Minecraft physics so if you apply this mod that structure will collapse entirely and all your effort will end up going to waste. All things considered, this is a very well designed mod that’ll make construction feel much more realistic and immersive.

Block Physics Mod Installation tutorial

  1. Download and install .
  2. Press start and type in %appdata%.
  3. Find and open your .minecraft folder.
  4. Locate to your mods folder (if this folder does not exist you can create one).
  5. Move the Block Physics Mod file into it.
  6. Open you launcher and select the profile according.
  7. Enjoy

(cкачиваний: 2080)

Физика для блоков – это весьма забавный и интересный , который, пока, активно совершенствуется и разрабатывается. С его помощью, игра становиться ярче и веселее. Все это происходит после того, как игра приобретает наближенную к реальной физику. Конечно, эта физика еще разрабатывается и проходит обновление на исправление ошибок, но уже сейчас ее можно активно использовать в своей . Данная физика работает аналогично реальной. К примеру, если крипер подорвет кусочек дома, то практически весь он обрушится на землю.

Так само мод будет работать и на другие структуры и строения. Поэтому, взрывы в игре становятся намного красочнее и веселее. Но, блоки теперь могут не только реально падать вниз, но и взлетать вверх после определенных действий. К примеру, после тех же взрывов, бросков или после использования поршнями. Все это доступно всего лишь в одном моде, после установки которого игра становится более реальной, более интересной и более веселой, в частности, если вы играете на сервере с друзьями.


1. Установите minecraftforge для вашего клиента или вашего сервера

2. Скачайте мод и поместите содержимое архива в minecraft.jar или minecraft-server.jar